July 24, 2013

Gifts for Klamath River Doubled until Sept 30

Photography | Photo: Blue Creek flowing into the Klamath River, by Peter Marbach.

Great news! Until September 30, 2013, a generous WRC supporter has promised to match any first-time or increased gift made to WRC in support of our conservation efforts on the Klamath River.

The Klamath was once the second largest producer of salmon on the entire West coast. Although its salmon runs are a fraction of their former size, they are still some of the most recoverable in the West. To that end, WRC formed a landmark partnership with California’s Yurok Tribe to create a 47,000-acre salmon sanctuary and Tribal forest preserve. The heart of the project is Blue Creek, a tributary that enters the Klamath 16 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean.

The most important inflow of cold water on the lower Klamath, Blue Creek provides a lifesaving dose of clean, cold water to returning salmon and steelhead. Nearly every salmon and steelhead holds in Blue Creek, lowering their body temperatures by an average of eight degrees Fahrenheit.

The Blue Creek Salmon Sanctuary/Klamath River Project offers an unprecedented opportunity for you to help restore the once-great salmon runs of the Klamath River and protect wildlife habitat in one of the most biologically rich areas on Earth. To contribute, please visit www.westernrivers.org and donate before September 30 (and mark your gift in honor of the Klamath River). Thank you!

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