May 01, 2010

Three More Properties Conserved on the Hoh River

Photography | Above: Hoh River and Olympics, by Josh Kling

A decade into our work on the Hoh River, we reached a major milestone with 7,000 acres protected. However, Western Rivers Conservancy is not finished protecting strategic properties and habitat along the Hoh, the finest salmon stream in the Lower Forty-Eight.

Today, WRC conserved three more properties totaling 60 acres and conveyed the land to the Hoh River Trust. These acquisitions will preserve open space and protect healthy side channels where young salmon rear. They are adjacent to previous acquisitions, creating a larger block of conserved habitat in the ownership of the Hoh River Trust.

These conveyances were made possible by a grant from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund and our grant partners at the Washington Department of Natural Resources. Washington Congressman Norm Dicks has played a major role supporting this project and fostering its success. With our partners, Western Rivers Conservancy will continue to acquire critical habitat in the Hoh River valley, working with landowners and the Hoh River Trust, the capable and committed long-term steward of the lands.


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